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SEO Predictions for the Upcoming Year

Every year, search engine optimization (SEO) specialists like to make predictions about how SEO practices will change and evolve over the coming 12 months. Indeed, for the year 2018, some of the top SEO predictions included that Google would remain the top referrer of website traffic (which it did); that Amazon’s web search volume would increase dramatically; and that Twitter would not only remain independent but would also continue as the most “valuable and popular network for publishers and influencers.”

Now that 2018 is coming to a close, what can we expect for SEO in 2019? Here are some predictions that our team–and other SEO specialists throughout the industry–are making:

Voice Search Will Increase

Most people who have a cell phone or an artificial intelligence device (like Amazon Alexa) within their home or place of work are already familiar with using voice commands to get things done. And in 2019, the use of voice, and specifically, voice search, is expected to increase.

This is significant because voice requests are distinct from normal queries, which may mean that current keywords practices may require adjustment.

Mobile-Friendliness Will Become Even More Important

Today, if a website isn’t mobile-friendly, it is missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect with customers. In fact, in 2016, mobile searches already comprised more than 50 percent of search queries, and data holds that mobile searches have increased by about 80 percent in the last two years. The number is expected to increase in 2019 – for businesses that don’t already have mobile-friendly websites, it would serve them well to develop those as soon as possible.  

User Experience Will Affect Ranking

According to SEO specialist Chris Brantner, who serves as the SEO director at SleepZoo, user experience (UX) will have a more pressing effect on website ranking in 2019 than it has had in previous years. This is a result of Google’s push for more personalized search results, which in turn means that websites will have to do a better job keeping users on their site – enhancing the user experience is one of the best ways to do so. If your site is slow, your content isn’t engaging, or a site that isn’t mobile-friendly, you can count on a loss of traffic.  

How NUVEW Can Help

At NUVEW, we are constantly improving our SEO practices to ensure they’re aligned with current trends. If your business needs more meaningful website traffic and you want to learn more about how to increase organic leads, we can help. Connect with us at 219-323-3343 or contact us online today.



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