Many businesses are too quick to dismiss email as an “outdated” method of communication that doesn’t allow them to do more than add bulk to spam folders. Email, though, remains an essential mode of outreach for companies that want to communicate with and remind customers about what they have to offer. Instead of making email obsolete, smartphones have actually propelled it into a more important daily activity. Instead of checking their messages once a day, people are constantly checking into their email from work and in the coffee line — all day.
One study by SocialTwist indicates that email has a better conversion rate than popular social media sites Facebook and Twitter. Forbes financial magazine points out that the power of email is often in what it can do to encourage loyalty among existing customers: customers coming to businesses via email tend to “shop more and spend more,” and these customers are 11% more valuable than average shoppers when it comes to long term spending. We know that email can be a remarkably effective way for reminding past customers that you still have something to offer them.
We want you to be able to connect with your customers in the short and long term so that you can communicate the best deals and latest offers to them.
Email is as important a tool as any other online marketing strategy, and we do more than just enable you to blast out a generic monthly email to subscribers. We have in-depth knowledge on techniques that make your emails more likely to be opened, including optimum subject lines, sending time, and content.