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Considerations When Designing a Landing Page

A landing page is the first page that a customer lands on when visiting your site. While typically thought of as a homepage, a landing page could also be a services page, contact page, or another important page for your website. A landing page is not a blog, and therefore should not be constructed like a blog or contain the same information as a blog. If you’re tasked with designing and writing a landing page for your company, here are some top considerations, tips, and how-tos to keep in mind:

Start with Your Audience

The first tip when creating landing page content is to start by defining your target audience. Skipping this step is a big mistake, and can lead to content that is convoluted and doesn’t have a clear purpose. Remember that you are writing for someone specific – what are their needs? Once you’ve identified these needs, make sure your content speaks to your target audience through appropriate questions and answers, headers, and valuable content. 

Identify Your Purpose

The next step is to identify the specific purpose of your landing page. Do you want to tell your target customer about a specific service? Provide information about your company’s background? Create brand awareness? Get the user to take action? Whatever it is, the purpose should be a key consideration as you write your landing page. 

Make it Clear, Concise, and Easy to Navigate

The information that’s provided on your landing page should be succinct, clear, and easy to navigate. This means using headings and titles that sensible and straightforward, organizing content in a way that flows and using value-driven language. Make sure any links are working and are easy to find and use. 

Keep in Engaging

You can keep content engaging not just by offering relevant information to your user, but also by investing in an attractive design, incorporating images and graphics, designing exciting calls-to-action, and more. This is often a part of the process that’s best left to a professional. 

Test Before Publishing

Finally, before you publish your landing page, make sure you test it and ensure that it’s working correctly. Pretend you’re a user – what would you be looking for, and can you find it? Are links functioning? Is the page attractive and easy to use? Make edits before publishing. After you publish, track stats for more insight about effectiveness and where you can make improvements in the future. 

Call NUVEW for Digital Marketing Services You Can Trust

To learn more about digital marketing services in Indiana and the benefits of partnering with a digital marketing team with landing page design and development experience, call NUVEW today. We are a trusted name in the business. Reach us by phone or online to get started.



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