Using the internet to support a business’s marketing efforts during the digital age is the best way to reach a maximum number of customers. But rather than just maintaining a website and maximizing for SEO (search engine optimization) alone, using social media as a marketing tool is critical. Here’s an overview of some of the key benefits of social media marketing that every business should be aware of–
Customers don’t want to purchase a product from any random company; instead, they want to purchase products from businesses that they already know and trust. As such, gaining brand recognition is an important business goal, and one that social media can help with. With a great branding campaign, using different social media platforms–like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter–can get your brand in front of the eyes of a lot of people in a relatively short amount of time.
In addition to just getting your name and logo out there and increasing your brand recognition, a good social media campaign is also great for telling your brand’s story. Whether you have a great story of how you got started, are doing work to give back to your community, or if your product is serving people in meaningful ways, you can share this–often through a single photo–on your socials.
Say that your business really cares about customer service and makes a point to connect with customers on a personal basis and go above and beyond to address customers’ needs and concerns. With social media, you can take your customer service to a whole new level by engaging in conversations with your customers and potential customers on a regular basis. What’s more, through social media, you can engage with your customers around new topics and reply to them immediately. This helps you to build relationships and increase the amount of trust that customers feel when interacting with your brand.
At NUVEW, we are big believers in the power of social media marketing to support your company’s short- and long-term goals. Our team provides a variety of digital marketing services, including social media support. To learn more about social media for your brand and how to incorporate it as part of your marketing strategy, reach out to our digital marketing professionals directly today. We are here to support you!