Every website owner wants a bunch of traffic. After all, that’s why almost all websites are created. However, the reality is most websites aren’t really getting nearly as much traffic as their owners would like. There are many reasons that websites don’t perform as well as their creators hope. But there are also several steps you can take to improve your websites’ performance, and increase your traffic.
You Have to Know Your Numbers – the first thing you need to do is make it your business to know your numbers. For example, you should know how many visitors you get every week/month. Also, do you know how many leads your site generates? And most importantly, you must know the real numbers, not including the spam traffic. In other words, it’s not enough to know your numbers. You have to look at the most accurate data.
Provide Plenty of Information – In most cases, people visit websites to find information. Therefore, the more valuable information you provide and the more places you provide it, the better your website will be. That also means you’ll get more traffic and more return visitors.
Solve Problems, Don’t Sell – Many website owners want to sell, sell, sell. Yes, it’s important to sell, but in reality if you help solve problems, your visitors will find your site more useful. Answer questions and resolve concerns and you will usually end up selling more by helping than by trying to sell, sell, sell.
Remember Your Calls to Action – While you don’t want to overdue your selling, that doesn’t mean you can’t push your products and services. It’s very important to include calls to action whenever they’re relevant. You should have relevant calls to action on every page, usually in the middle or at the bottom of your content.
Keep Your Content Up to Date – Content is always important, so make sure your site is always offering the most current information possible. One way to do this is by adding a blog, where you can continually add new and relevant content. You can also use social media to offer new content, as well. Just make sure to keep it fresh and useful.
Your website performance is vital to your business. You can’t afford to let it slack. If your site isn’t quite hitting the mark, then contact NUVEW today for help with your digital marketing. We’ll implement these important steps, as well as many others, in order to get you on the right track. Just click here or call us 219-323-3343.