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Top Web Design Tricks for Business Growth

Quality Web Design Equals More Conversions

Can the right web design really help grow your business? You know looks matter when it comes to web design. After all, if you’re site looks awful or outdated users aren’t going to stick around. But does the right web design really lead to actual business growth? Can the look of your website really make that big of difference? If you don’t think web design is that important, then think again.

Convey Trust

There are endless options when it comes to designing your website. The choices can be mind-boggling. So what should you be focused on with your web design? The most important message you can convey to your customers is that you’re trustworthy.  So how does website design affect your customers’ level of trust in your business? By offering a friendly, welcoming, and straightforward design your users will have a positive experience. They will trust you more and are more likely to make a purchase.

Establishing More Trust Through Design

What design elements lead to more trust and help your online business grow?

  • Video Landing Pages – have you ever watched a video online? Of course you have. In fact, the majority of Internet users watch videos online every week. So video is important, but using a video landing page is even better. This grabs visitors’ attention immediately.
  • Animated CTAs – every website needs to have calls to action. These invitations to do something are the key to conversions. Using animated calls to action – even something simple just to grab their attention – will have more impact than a simple colored button.
  • Parallax Scrolling – this popular, new form of scrolling makes web browsing even easier. People can consume information quickly and without hassle. It allows users to see everything without even clicking a button. Instead, they can simply scroll up and down the page to access all the important information they need.

Win Your Customers’ Trust With NUVEW’s Help

At NUVEW, we understand the importance of trust in online business. After all, we do everything we can to earn our clients’ trust, just like any other business. Our web designers know that creating a well designed website is one of the keys to helping your online presence. We design websites that are easy to use, welcoming, straightforward, and pleasant to look at. By combining all of these important elements we help our clients build more trust with their users, which leads to increased business. Please contact NUVEW to ensure your web design is building trust with your customers. Click here or call us at 219-323-3343.



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