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What’s the Difference Between Organic vs. Paid Search? 

What’s the Difference Between Organic vs. Paid Search?

If you maintain a website for your business as part of your online marketing strategy, then you may have heard about different types of search, such as organic search and paid search. However, you may not fully understand what the differences really are, or what type of search is the best strategy for you to employ. At NUVEW, we can help. Here’s what you need to know about organic vs. paid search and services offered by our digital marketing company

What Is Search?

When the term “search” is used in the digital marketing world, it’s referring to search results, or rankings. Results and ranking refer to where your website page lands on a search results page. For example, if you own a window cleaning business and a user searches “window cleaning in Indiana,” if your page ranks well, it will be towards the top of the search results page; if it ranks poorly, it will be towards the bottom, or perhaps on the second page (a real bummer).

So What’s Organic Search?

The key difference between organic and paid search is whether or not you pay to bump your page to the top of the search results page and improve your rankings. When you are organically ranked towards the top of a search results page, this means that you’ve implemented organic strategies, such as maintaining a social media presence, updating your blog regularly, engaging with your customers online, and implementing smart search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. 

Paid search, on the other hand, involves using paid technologies to elevate your site. Simply by paying, you can secure a more prominent spot on the search results page. 

What’s Better?

The best strategy for you will depend on a variety of factors–it’s important to have your goals and your current efforts assessed by a professional before making any decisions. That being said, organic search takes more work and is a much bigger commitment, but the results will pay off for longer, too. To immediately improve your site rankings, though, paid search can be awesome. As such, it may make sense to take a combination of actions. 

Learn More By Contacting NUVEW Today

To learn more about the benefits of paid search vs. organic search and which type is best for you, please reach out to our experienced digital marketing team today. We are experts in both organic and paid search and are happy to guide you through everything you need to know and help your business get more recognition. Call us today or send us a message to get started. 



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