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Winston: Then and Now

Hey there, dear reader, long time no see. I was wondering when you were gonna come back around. Man, I feel like time has been moving so fast and so slow all at the same time. Now, I bet you’re thinking, “Oh, why, Winston, please, please, please tell us why the paradox of time is making your head do somersaults. I love you, Winston, you’re the best ahhhh.” Oh, fine. You know I can never say no to flattery.

As you all know, my very first birthday will be on November 13th. It’s less than a month away! I want it to be here already so bad, but there’s still so much time left. I feel like by the time my birthday comes around, I’m going to be 80. But also, there’s not enough time left! Who’s going to plan my party? What am I going to wear? WHAT FLAVOR WILL MY CAKE BE?!

Oh, I can’t wrap my head around it, dear reader. And to make matters worse, the departure of the almighty pumpkin spice latte is fast approaching, even though I feel like it literally just got here. Wraps shaking paws around cup with tears in eyes. I’m not ready. Sniffle.

Anywho. I have decided that to take my mind off lattes, my birthday, and the conundrum of passing time, it would be great to reflect on how far I’ve come. A little compare and contrast situation, if I may. That way, you can all really hype me up on my glow-up and give me the final push I need to make it to my birthday. And I mean, we can all use a little self-reflection from time to time, right?

So let’s start with past me. Ah yes, the humble beginnings of Winston. Just a little uncoordinated little man running around, causing chaos, and making everyone laugh with my silly antics. Oh, wait, that hasn’t changed. But hey, at least now I have more control over where I leave my #2s. Sometimes.

I was rash in my decision-making – starting uprisings and creating my own personal dating website. The marketing alone on that would have been a disaster. And never forget how lofty my goals were – world domination. Pfff. What was I thinking? You can’t just do that over the course of three weeks. That’s definitely more of a ten-year-plan type situation.

But then, dear reader, I hit my stride. I matured. I realized that the key to success is not in starting a revolution or having a website for Frenchie romance. It’s about being yourself and enjoying life. And man, have I been living it up! I’ve tried my hand at interior decorating (fabulous) and jet ski riding (I crapped my pants). I’ve practiced meditation and fought back against height discrimination. And let’s never forget how my taste in fashion has developed. I can’t believe my mother used to make me wear glasses. Hideous! We all know I’m more of a tuxedo man.

Most importantly, though, my purpose in life has changed. It may not be world domination, but it’s definitely something bigger than myself – bringing joy to my aunties. Even if my farts burn their retinas (ha, that’s one thing about me that sure hasn’t changed), they still love me unconditionally. And that, dear reader, is something worth celebrating.

So, as my birthday approaches and pumpkin spice lattes disappear, I will take a moment to appreciate how far I’ve come. And then I’ll probably bark meaninglessly at a squirrel or something because, let’s be real, old habits die hard. Thanks for reading along on my journey of self-reflection. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for this ever-evolving Frenchie!

Always yours,



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