2017 is just around the corner and that means now is a good time to consider your website and whether or not it’s getting you the returns you desire. If you think that it might be a good time to change things up and give your website a refresher, then you need to consider what changes are in your best interest. Not all web designs fit every company, so it’s important to consider any changes you make carefully. However, that being said, here are some web design trends that you can expect to see in 2017.
One new design trend that is expected to keep getting popular is changing up the menu bar. The menu bar is very important but people get tired of seeing the same old design, so anything that doesn’t follow the standard design is likely to be popular, including anything that’s similar to a vertical-oriented login screen.
Remember that in order to be successful with your website your users have to have a positive experience. Perhaps nothing plays a bigger role in that than your design speed. Your site must work flawlessly, or users won’t stick around for long. Web design that’s easy to understand and that works fast will be extremely valuable in 2017.
Content is extremely important for any website and that’s a trend that will never change. However, the type of content that users crave the most has shifted towards other mediums besides the written word. While, your written content does make a huge difference, these days the trend is geared toward animation, photos, videos and even live feeds. 2017 is expected to bring even more of the same.
Of course, the thing about trends is that they always change. In fact, they can change rather quickly, especially with the Internet. That means it pays to continually stay abreast of what’s happening in order to be sure your web design is attractive, functional, relevant and effective at bringing you new business. If you think now is a good time to give your website an upgrade, then please contact NUVEW today. Just call us at 219-323-3343, or click here, for exceptional web design.