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Effective SEO Tactics That Increase Organic Traffic 

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing your website so that search engines can a) find it and b) place it towards the top of a search engine’s results page. If you don’t have relevant content on your website, a search engine won’t understand why it should be placed towards the top of the results page; it’s your job to make sure that a search engine recognizes your site’s value. Here are some effective SEO tactics that can organically increase your traffic: 

1 – Take a Look at Your UX

UX, or user experience, is an important part of an SEO strategy. Search engines want to find the best possible results for a user, so poor-quality sites aren’t likely to rank very high. Your website should look trustworthy, feature fast load times, and look well-designed; if it doesn’t, users are likely to bounce back after being directed there. When this happens multiple times, a search engine will stop sending users there. 

2 – Consider Text Search vs. Voice Search

You may have already implemented an SEO strategy for the text on your website that is based on text search—that is, a user typing a keyword or string of keywords into a search engine’s search bar. But have you optimized your website for voice search?

About a quarter of the U.S. adult population now owns a smart speaker—a number that’s expected to grow, by the way—and two in five adults use voice search at least once a day. That means that you need to be optimizing for voice search, as there are significant differences in how voice and text search are used. 

3 – Incorporate Relevant Content

You already know that the content on your website needs to be relevant to your target audience and should feature keywords. But as search engines get smarter, just using keywords may not be enough; you should start thinking about incorporating topic clusters instead of just keywords. This means making sure your keywords are surrounded by relevant keywords, truly understanding your target audience and buyer personas, and then organizing your content into different clusters, or themes. Here’s a great resource that explains more about topic clusters that you can check out.

4 – Increase Content Length

Finally, it may be time to increase the length of your content for search engine optimization. Longer content tends to get more backlinks, which often means more traffic and better ratings. That being said, be cautious of trying to make your content long all of the time; a blog post that’s 2,500 words could be overwhelming, especially if a lot of the content is filler. If you’re struggling to reach a good balance, working with a professional is recommended. 

Get the SEO Help You Need Today

SEO can be confusing, and overwhelming to a business owner who has other things to focus on. For the SEO support that you need, call the Indiana SEO professionals at NUVEW today. We are ready to design an SEO strategy that is customized to your business. 



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