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How to Identify Relevant Keywords for Your Business 

As a business owner in Indiana, marketing your business is one of the most important things that you can do. And one of the most crucial elements of marketing is the application of SEO–search engine optimization–which helps search engines (i.e. Google) find and display your business at the top of the results page. Search engine optimization requires the integration of relevant keywords. If you’re running your own marketing campaign, here are some tips for identifying relevant keywords for your business. For help from a professional, call NUVEW today.

  1. Brainstorm

Good keyword research starts with a powerful brainstorming session where nothing that comes out is wrong. If you can, engage others on your team–and perhaps even a few customers!–in this session. The goal: to identify a list of important and relevant topics based on your business. Remember, this can be broad, but the purpose is to identify themes that are relevant to you

  1. Narrow it Down

The second step is to look at your list of brainstormed topics and choose a handful of themes that really stand out and resonate with your purpose and brand. If you’re having trouble doing this, ask someone else who knows your business well to participate. Sometimes, the perspective of another is the exact clarity that’s needed.

  1. Fill Themes with Keywords

Now that you’ve narrowed down your top themes and topics, it’s time for another brainstorming session. This time, you’ll be filling those buckets of themes and topics with keywords – words that you think a) describe your business brand, purpose, target customer, product, or service and b) will be searched by customers who are trying to find products/services you offer online. 

  1. Research and Revise

Next, do some research by plugging the keywords or keyword phrases that you just created into Google’s search function. What shows up? Businesses like yours, or something very different than what you thought? This can be a great exercise for determining whether you’re on track with your keywords or need to revise them.

  1. Call a Digital Marketing & SEO Professional

If you don’t have time to do keyword research yourself or aren’t sure where to start, a great alternative is to work with an experienced digital marketing company with professionals who specialize in keyword research and search engine optimization. At NUVEW, we have the experience you’re looking for. All our team today for SEO and marketing services customized to your business.



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