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How Will the Google-Yahoo Partnership Change the Face of SEO?

Google Rules SEO Market

Search engine optimization is the art of getting your website to the top of the search page results. For years, the number one objective for website owners is to be on the first page of any search query that fits their business. If they can reach the top two or three spots on the list, then it’s an even better accomplishment. To do this, website owners have always set their sites first and foremost on Google. Google has long set the standard for the search engine market. However, that dominance has started to slide a little, with the likes of Bing, Yahoo and Yelp slowly chipping away at Google’s stranglehold on the market.


Google is very aware of the competition and the inroads they have made on its territory. In fact, Bing has not only seen its own service tick up but it has also been powering Yahoo’s search engine for the past several years. Meanwhile, Yahoo recently announced that it is getting into bed with Google as well, so to speak. While Bing and Yahoo will still be working together Yahoo has signed a separate deal with Google, which will see the top search engine platform providing search results and ads as Yahoo wishes. Google will give Yahoo a percentage of the revenue that is generated from the ads that are displayed. The deal will give Yahoo complete autonomy to decide which queries go to Bing and which ones go to Google.

Big Changes in Store for SEO?

So how will this affect the world of SEO? The biggest difference this merger will most likely make is a continued push toward a more even and agnostic playing field amongst the search engine giants. In other words, Google has long been the dominant player and most web owners were really just worried about being optimized for Google. However, with these partnerships in place it means that SEO will be focused more on all search engine platforms and not just on Google. It also means that the actual act of searching should be easier because web owners won’t have to worry about several different sets of rules. They can just focus on one shared set of algorithms and best practices instead of three or four different ones.

Get Better Results With NUVEW

If you are starting to realize that you need a wider reach than what Google alone can provide, then you should reevaluate your SEO efforts and determine what strategy works for you. That might include putting more effort into getting better results on the other search engines aside from Google. You can contact NUVEW for help with your SEO planning and implementation. We can help you be, and stay, relevant on all the search engines. Call us at 219-323-3343 or click here.



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