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Is Your Law Firm Making Any of These Critical Digital Marketing Errors?

Although we work with many businesses from many different industries, at NUVEW we serve many legal offices in the greater Midwest area. Because we serve so many legal clients we have a lot of experience and a detailed knowledge in helping attorneys achieve greater online marketing results. We have a solid understanding of what methods work and which ones aren’t so successful. That is important because we know that attorneys are highly successful individuals that have worked extremely hard to get to where they are today.

We also know that lawyers are very busy individuals who have a lot of important things to deal with every day. That means in most cases, attorneys don’t have a lot of time to become skilled marketers. However, attorneys are also astute enough to know that they need to market their services, just as any other business needs to. The problem is, in many cases when lawyers try to take care of their marketing efforts by themselves, either their legal practice or their marketing efforts, or both, tend to suffer.

So what should attorneys do to avoid this from happening? There are several things to watch out for. The following are just a few of the important things that law firms should keep in mind when considering their Internet marketing. The first mistake is to believe that you don’t even need an online marketing presence. Your competitors are online and you need to be as well. Most people search for businesses via the Internet. If you want to be found, you have to be online. Another mistake is to advertise your rates. This can lock you into pricing that is outdated or insufficient.

Another mistake to avoid is ignoring your SEO campaign and the keywords that go with it. There are a lot of factors that go into SEO and choosing the right keywords, which is another reason to seek professional marketing help with your online campaign. Meantime, if you want to include videos on your site it’s best to use an experienced video service that uses real actors, a well-written script and professional camera work. It’s better to avoid trying to make these videos yourself.

As you can see, having a successful Internet marketing campaign takes work. There are many factors that go into achieving your desired results. Trying to fit all these important aspects into your already loaded schedule just doesn’t make sense. That’s why working with NUVEW is a good idea. We can take care of all your digital marketing needs for you, so you can focus on what you do best: practicing law and helping your clients. Leave the Internet marketing up to us. We provide expert analysis and proven SEO and marketing strategies that get results. Please call us today at 219-323-3343 if you want to learn more, or click here.



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