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How Responsive Web Design Boosts Your SEO

Your SEO Needs a Responsive Design

If you’ve ever visited our blog before then you know how important responsive web design is. If this is your first visit here, then you’re about to here it from us for the first time; but it won’t be the last. Having a website that’s not responsive in this day and age is like using snail mail instead of email. You can’t afford to have an unresponsive website.

Mobile Is the Way People Search

There are now more mobile searches than any other kind of Internet search and the gap is growing. In other words, if you want to reach people online, chances are you are going to reach them on a mobile device rather than on a desktop computer. Therefore, your website must adapt to whatever size screen your visitors are using. It has to be responsive.

Google Is Penalizing You

Even though the industry has been calling for all businesses to get on board and get responsive, industry statistics show that as many as 60 percent of website owners still haven’t climbed on board the responsive train. If you don’t believe it then you should know that Google punishes websites that are not responsive, anytime they are accessed on a mobile device. Essentially that means you’re very likely getting penalized for the majority of searches involving your site if it’s not mobile-friendly.

Reasons You Need to Get Responsive

There are several reasons your website design needs to be responsive, including the following:

  • It makes your site more user-friendly
  • It increases the page speed on mobile devices
  • It prevents duplicate content that can happen when you have two separate sites: one for mobile and one for desktop.
  • It helps reduce your bounce rate because visitors are more inclined to stay longer than they would if your site was not mobile-friendly
  • It makes social sharing easier, which will likely increase your shares

Get Responsive Web Design With NUVEW

At NUVEW, we understand the importance of responsive web design to your business. If users can’t easily access your website while they’re on the go, then they will go somewhere else. Responsive web design is a must in the current world of online marketing. Don’t let your SEO suffer because you’re not responsive. Get on board today and contact NUVEW by clicking here, or by calling 219-323-3343.



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