How Will These SEO Trends Affect Your Marketing?
SEO Trends You Should Know About
S-E-O, S-E-O, it’s never going away. Did you catch that little jingle? Sing it to the tune of Jingle Bells. Anyways, the point is, much like that beloved Christmas song, SEO is here to stay. It’s an integral part of online marketing and although it is always evolving, it’s not going away. In fact, new trends are emerging constantly when it comes to SEO and these trends play a huge role in how effective companies’ SEO strategies really are. So, if you’re not up to date with the latest trends, then chances are you’re missing out on something. And what you don’t know CAN hurt you.
Stay Up to Date With These Trends
So let’s take a look at some of the latest SEO trends that will undoubtedly affect your digital marketing going forward.
- Search is always changing – people used to search the Internet by typing their search term on a keyboard on a desktop computer. That was the only option. That is no longer the case. Now, people use many different methods and forms of search and the number of formats will continue to increase.
- New formats = new possibilities – because there are all kinds of ways to search the Internet, including an increasing number of personal assistants, voice searches, etc. While the methods of search will likely continue to grow not all of them will bring added dollars. However, they can increase your opportunities to be found and to build your brand and standing in the marketplace.
- Search strategies matter – having a winning search strategy is vital to your rankings and in turn your traffic, but marketers must understand that their long-term content strategy plays an important role. SEO is not a one-shot deal. You have to use your content marketing and SEO to build your brand over time and eventually boost your business.
- Paid search is still viable – the biggest competition SEO faces is paid advertising. Although paid advertising works, the real advantage lies in using SEO to boost your long-term strategy. It’s likely that more ad dollars will move toward SEO, but paid search is still relevant.
- Content marketing is alive and well – Google is now showing as much content as possible on SERPs, which means marketers must ensure the content they display is relevant and valuable to searchers. That’s why content marketing is, and will continue to be, so important.
NUVEW Has You Covered
When you need the right SEO strategy for your business, NUVEW has you covered. We stay up to date on the latest trends and we know SEO and how it affects your content marketing. Don’t get stuck doing something that no longer works. Make sure you stay on top of the latest online marketing trends that will keep your business right where you want it. Please contact NUVEW today for help with your SEO and content marketing. Call us at 219-323-3343, or click here to reach us online.