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Short… But Still Taller Than a Smurf

Greetings once again, dear reader. After my recent escapades to make people appreciate the merit of my ideas, it was brought to my attention that perhaps one reason my aunties aren’t taking me as seriously as they should is that I am “just a cute little guy” with “such short little legs I want to pick you up and hold you like a baby.”

So, I am here today to tell you that you’re dead wrong. Yes, I am a cute little guy. Yes, I do have short little legs. Yes, I do like to be picked up and held like a baby. Maybe even rocked to sleep on occasion. However, my stature is not what’s holding me back. If anything, my shortness gives me an advantage.

First of all, being small allows me to move faster and be more agile. I can weave in and out of crowds with ease, making it easier for me to get my ideas across to a larger audience. Plus, I have the element of surprise on my side. People often underestimate what I am capable of because of my size, but that only works in my favor when I prove them wrong.

Secondly, being short has also taught me to be resourceful and creative. I have had to find ways to reach things that are out of my reach or adapt objects to fit my needs. This skill translates into my ideas and problem-solving abilities. I am able to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions that others may not have thought of.

Let’s not forget the power of cuteness. It may seem like a disadvantage at times, but it actually works in my favor most of the time. People are naturally drawn to cute things, especially adorable things that are as dazzling as me. It’s much easier for me to get people on my side when they can’t resist my charm.

Most importantly, sometimes there are some circumstances where people just don’t want to listen, no matter what you say. Now, I would never condone violence, only use it as a last resort. But in those rare instances where words fail, my short legs can deliver a swift kick to the shins. That’s sure to get people’s attention.

So, dear reader, don’t underestimate the power of being “just a cute little guy.” It may seem like a disadvantage, but I have proven time and time again that it is actually one of my greatest strengths. Plus, I am in fact taller than a Smurf, so at least I have that going for me. Man those guys are so creepy. Eh – I’m getting shivers just thinking about them. Anywho. Now if you’ll excuse me, dear reader, I think it’s time for someone to pick me up and hold me like a baby once again.

XOXO Winston



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