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Tell Tale Signs Your Social Media Marketing Isn’t Working

Social Media Strategy Lacking?

When was the last time you took a good, hard look at your social media marketing strategy? If you can’t remember how long ago it was, then chances are it’s time for a revamp. The thing about social media marketing is that it’s not a one-time thing. You have to constantly update and adapt in order to stick with the latest trends that are working. So how can you be sure if it’s time for a new direction for your social media marketing efforts? There are some clear signs that can help you determine where you stand.

Afraid to Change

There are so many social media platforms to choose from these days and sometimes it can get a little mind-boggling. Of course, you know all the big names like Facebook and Twitter, as well as Snapchat and Instagram, but the choices don’t stop there. While you might not be able to keep up with every possible option, you have to be willing to try new platforms when they are introduced. People are always trying new apps and you want to be up-to-date any time a new platform takes off. However, stay true to your customers and don’t join a new platform if your customers don’t need or use it, but don’t be afraid to try something new if they do.

Outdated Research and Analytics

You should also avoid using outdated hashtags or the wrong hashtags. You can easily turn your users off with the wrong ones, or miss your mark if your hashtags are no longer relevant. Also, be sure that the analytics you use to determine your audience and your results are up-to-date with the latest information and trends.

Be Customer-Friendly

One of the most important factors in social media success is providing your customers with the proper support. That means your social media, no matter which platforms you use, has to include a customer support option. If you fail to do this then you risk alienating your users and turning them away.

Stay Focused

Last, but not least, you must keep the proper focus and stay geared toward the right priorities. Many social media marketers make the mistake of focusing on the wrong things, like a hard sale. Instead, you need to realize that social media marketing should really be geared towards creating new leads, building your brand and creating lasting relationships. NUVEW understands Social Media Marketing and we will help you focus on the right priorities. If you need help with your social media marketing then contact us today. Click here, or call us at 219-323-3343.



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