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The Best Social Media Management Tools

For most small- and medium-sized businesses in Indiana, social media management isn’t something that’s being thought about at all. Instead, business owners are concerned with running day-to-day operations, not running an online marketing campaign. But digital marketing is important, and social media marketing is a part of that. With that in mind, there are numerous social media management tools that businesses can use to maintain a strong social media presence that is based in strategy. Here’s what you should know–

What Are Social Media Management Tools?

Social media management tools are exactly that – online tools and applications that help you to create a strategy for your social media marketing efforts, and also handle the logistics of scheduling posts, publishing posts, and reporting important metrics and data. These tools are awesome for business owners and marketers who want an all-in-one system for managing their social media efforts, particularly those who are new to social media marketing and don’t know how to create a strategy themselves.

The Best Social Media Management Tools Out There Today

There are dozens of different social media management tools that exist today. Consider the following, provided by a list compiled by HubSpot, of some of the most highly ranked social media management tools–

  • Content Cal. For small businesses, Content Cal is a great option. The purpose of Content Cal is to provide assistance with planning and publishing content – the exact thing that most small business owners who are trying to run a business in addition to marketing that business need most. With a visual calendar that helps you to plan for which content to share and when, this user-friendly option is also great for collaborating across a team.
  • Hootsuite. Are you looking for a social media management tool that’s free? If so, Hootsuite is for you. While there is an option for paid upgrades, the free version will work well for small business owners and allows for a business to schedule up to 30 posts in advance, as well as manage up to three different social media profiles all from a single dashboard.
  • HeyOrca! For marketing agencies that are looking for social media management tools, HeyOcra! is one of the best. Multiple clients and social content can be managed in one central location – exactly what most agencies are looking for.

Get Help with Your Social Media Management and Marketing

At NUVEW, we are experts in social media marketing. If you need help with your social media marketing campaign, or if you want to learn more about social media management tools, call our team today.



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