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Top Tips for Social Media Marketing That You Need to Know

Be Social in 2016

Now that another new year has begun perhaps you’re taking another look at your business. That might include all of your business practices, as well as your company’s policies, and of course your budget and expenses. These days any business evaluation will include marketing efforts, in particular your digital marketing and online advertising. Of course, a big part of any online marketing strategy is the use of social media. Social media has become a mainstay of almost every business and if you’re not using social media to market your business, then you are missing out on what could be a very useful tool.

Be Direct – Skip the Landing Page

However, it’s important to make sure you are doing social media the right way, and not just doing it for the sake of doing it. So what are the most important tips to keep in mind when it comes to social media marketing? Landing pages with a call to action can be a great tool, but one great tip to keep in mind is to skip the landing page altogether and simply include your call to action on your social media post. If you include a call or contact button in a Facebook post, for example, you’re less likely to lose your customer as he/she clicks through to a landing page.

Life Happens – Take Advantage

Another great tip is to target your customers with the right messages as important life events take place. People post all kinds of significant life events on Facebook and other social media platforms and you can leverage those events with the right messages shared at the right time. Also, remember to us your social media campaigns wisely, which means they should be structured and focused with your business objectives in mind.

Utilize Your Ad Copy

Most companies have all kinds of content from advertising. Whatever ad copy gives you the most bang for your buck should also be reused in your social media campaigns. If good copy works for a different medium, it will likely work for social media as well. However, make sure you keep your ads fresh and relevant by monitoring them often and adjusting them as necessary.

There are so many ways to make social media marketing work, but by following these tips you can find more success with your campaign. At NUVEW, we help you with these tips and several more to ensure that your social media marketing efforts are effective. Please give us a call today at 219-323-3343, or click here for help with your social media marketing. Make sure your social media status is a winner in 2016.



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