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Is Your Website Attracting Enough Organic Searches?

If you have been in business for five years or more now, your customers probably use your website to get information about your products and services. It is good that you have trained your customers to use your site specifically for ordering, getting more information, or making payments. Your website serves as the billboard of your business and should be designed to meet many of your customers’ needs.

So how do potential new customers find you? When they go on a search engine, most likely Google, what will they see your site pretty quickly when they type in a keyword that relates to your business? Does your site pop up fast or is it lost in the crowd of competition? These are the looming questions that need to be answered because as a business owner you want new customers and your website is where they can go to find all about your products and services.

When customers type in a query and the search engine begins looking for all the websites that match the query are called organic or natural results. When you hear about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the goal of it is to get your site on the first page of a search engine like Google. By following proper SEO protocol, your site will eventually be noticed by the search engines.

Paid Advertising is Worth the Cost

You can also purchase advertising and buy the search words that are used in a query and then your website will pop up on the top of the page. Notice it the next time you search for something you will notice that the sites where the owners paid for advertising are marked as an ad and can be found above the organic search results. The website owner pays for how many times the ad is clicked or opened during a specific period.

At NUVEW, we believe that a combination of organic and paid search benefits many of our clients. We create strong SEO and follow the rules, so our clients see improvement with more organic searches. Paid advertising gets right to the point, and potential customers see you right away. Your marketing plan should be about the customers you are trying to use your products and services and nothing more.

Contact us at NUVEW Today!

We are in business to help you keep your business thriving as it should. The professionals at NUVEW are committed to creating a digital marketing plan that brings you more customers. We can redesign your site, create content, post on social media and more. Contact us today so we can talk about your ideas about how to improve your digital presence. Phone us at 219-323-3343 or send us a message on our website. We will contact you shortly after we get your message.



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