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Why Every Website Needs a Call to Action 

As you develop your website and build out your content, one important aspect that you don’t want to overlook is the significance of a call to action, sometimes called a CTA. A call to action should be included on every single website page and piece of content that you share. Here’s an overview of the basics of a call to action, the value of a call to action, and how to create a great call to action for your website. 

What Is a Call to Action?

A call to action is exactly that: it’s a request that a user to your website takes some sort of action. This might be subscribing to your email list, adding an item to their cart, following you on social media, entering a contest, or something else entirely. 

The Value of a Call to Action

Calls to action are a very important part of creating a robust sales funnel. Here’s why you absolutely need calls to action: 

  • Customers love ‘em too. This first reason might surprise you, but it’s true—customers are expecting calls to action on websites and appreciate the sense of direction that they’re given. When a call to action is missing, a user to a website may have no clue what the next steps to take are, and could feel overwhelmed with decision fatigue. Spelling out exactly what you want the user to do makes it less stressful for the user. 
  • Improved conversion rates. The most important reason to have calls to action on your website is simply that calls to action are associated with higher conversion rates. If you want to move users along the pipeline and eventually convert them to sales, you need calls to action to make it happen. 

How to Create a Great Call to Action

The best calls to action are attractively designed, simple, straightforward, and very clear in what they’re asking. They also create a sense of urgency and follow a logical path to conversion. For example, if you’re asking someone for an email, it’s surely because you’re going to send them an email that will lead them further down the path towards becoming a sale. Finally, remember that people don’t like being deceived, so keep your CTAs simple but also honest. 

Call NUVEW Today

For help creating great calls to action for your website that can help to increase your conversion rate, call NUVEW directly today. Our digital marketing and website design and development specialists look forward to working with your business.



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