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Website Updates to Improve Customer Experience 

If your website isn’t ranking very well or you’re not generating the leads and sales that you’re hoping for, it may be that your website doesn’t offer much in terms of user/customer experience. Fortunately, updating a website to enhance customer experience is something that can easily be done by a professional. At NUVEW, we can help. Reach out to our digital marketing professionals directly today to learn more about how. 

Why Does Customer Experience Matter?

Customer experience, often referred to as user experience in the context of digital marketing, is a way to measure the usability and navigability of your site, as well as your site’s ability to generate conversions (i.e. transforming a lead to a sale). Different elements of your website can make a huge difference in terms of your conversion rate. For example, extended load times can result in a high bounce rate; not being able to find contact information can result in a customer simply leaving. 

Key Website Updates to Improve Customer Experience

A few simple updates to your website that can enhance customer experience include: 

  • Personal chatbox. A personal chatbox that allows a user to type in a question and talk with a real person (or a bot in some cases) can be an awesome way to engage customers and help them in real-time. 
  • Updated content. One of the easiest ways to increase your website performance all around (leads, conversions, user experience) is to make sure that your content is fresh and relevant. Outdated content doesn’t do anyone any favors. 
  • Enhanced security. In today’s world where cybersecurity is a real issue, being able to provide enhanced security measures can make customers feel more comfortable interacting with your page, especially when it comes to making transactions. 
  • Better usability. How usable is your website? Is it easy to put things in the cart, inquire about services, check out, or find more information? It’s important to test a few different versions of a site to see which performs the best. At NUVEW, we can help with A/B testing. 
  • Reduced load times. Finally, one of the most essential pieces of improving customer experience is reducing load times. A page that takes an excessive amount of time to load will lead to a high bounce rate, regardless of how great the content on that page is. 

Get Help from the Experts

If you’re searching for ways to enhance your digital marketing efforts and customer experience, our professionals at NUVEW can help. We have years of experience and can manage all elements of your digital marketing campaign. Reach out to us today to learn more. We are here to help.



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