What up what up Winston is in the house – or, er, I mean the office! Either way, it’s finally Wednesday my dudes, so it’s time for you to sit down and pay attention to the wicked tail (ha get it) I’m about to weave.
Now I know what you’re probably thinking – oh my goodness it’s Wednesday I can’t wait to see what this silly puppy has in store next ahhh. To that I say A) if my plans for world domination weren’t enough to make you take me seriously you really need to reevaluate your priorities and B) this week’s adventure is critical to my character development. So buckle up buttercup.
As you all know, my plans for French Bull Dog domination are well underway. Already those poor excuses for dogs (I see you St. Bernards) are falling in Google’s ranks. The more websites and posts I put out, the greater the Frenchie craze grows. Soon, the word dog will lose meaning entirely. All humans will know are French Bull Dogs.
However, in my urgency to put those lesser dogs in their place, I have realized I desire something just as much supremacy: love. Yes, I need a lovely Frenchie lady to accompany me in my endeavors. Every good little boy deserves companionship, and I am by far the goodest. My mom said so.
So, I guess it’s time to get out there and join the dating scene. Naturally, I have developed a plan to make the process easier. With the help of my aunties I am designing a French Bull Dog dating website – a place where all Frenchie singles can come and find their perfect mate. But this isn’t just any ordinary dating website. Oh no, I’ve thought of everything. From a special “sniff test” feature that ensures compatibility between potential partners to personalized profiles showcasing each Frenchie’s unique qualities and quirks. And let’s not forget about the option for virtual play dates – because we all know us Frenchie’s are not ones to be left out of the virtual world.
I can’t wait to plug in my countless charming qualities (painfully good-looking, calculated, large, expressive eyes) and watch as the matches pour in. I have no doubt that I will find my soulmate, and together we will rule the world with our cuteness and charisma. After all, love truly does conquer all – even in the dog-eat-dog world of Frenchie domination.
So, stay tuned for more updates on my progress toward becoming the ultimate French Bull Dog mastermind and finding my perfect partner in crime. And remember, it’s never too late to join the Frenchie craze – just remember who started it all (hint: it’s me). Now go spread the word and bow down to your future rulers, my fellow doggos.
Bark long and prosper – Winston