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What Data Should I Be Tracking for Optimal Marketing?

A successful online marketing campaign is about implementing a successful strategy, reaching customers, and converting leads into sales. But in order to be as most effective as possible, it’s important that marketing efforts–and relevant data points and metrics–are tracked. When data is tracked, marketing teams can improve retention rates and boost sales by implementing meaningful, targeted changes in a marketing plan. Here’s a look at some of the most important metrics that you or your marketing team should be tracking for the optimization of your digital marketing efforts–

Where Your Users Are Going/User Behavior

One thing that you should absolutely be keeping track of is how users are using your website, or user behavior. You can do this using Google Analytics – a free user tracking service. With Analytics, you can see when users are coming to your website, how many unique page views you’ve received, how long a visitor spends on a page, and where they go next. This can be helpful in providing insight into the effectiveness of your landing pages; after reaching a landing page, is a customer being converted into a sale, or are they leaving the site after not finding the information that they need?

If you really want to get down to the nitty-gritty of it, you can use a heat mapping tool, which can provide more insight into where your visitors are spending the most time on your website.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a metric that no one wants to face – it refers to the number of visitors who leave the website before traveling to any other website pages (i.e. they are directed to a landing page by a search engine, but don’t interact with the website further than that). You want your bounce rate to be as low as possible, and if users are leaving your site before taking any meaningful action, that’s a clear sign that your landing pages need some work.


A conversion refers to an action that indicates that a user is moving further down the sales funnel; a conversion is not necessarily a sale, although a sale is a type of conversion. For example, if you send out an email and a user clicks it and is directed to your site, that’s a conversion. The ultimate goal is a sale – a conversion is all of the steps that the user must take along the way.

Conversion rate is important because it provides insight about the effectiveness of your marketing funnel. By tracking conversions and the steps that customers take to get where you want them to go, you’ll have a clearer picture of what’s working and what’s not.

We Manage All Data Tracking

At NUVEW, our digital marketing team recognizes the value of data tracking, and we will manage all data tracking on your behalf when you choose us for your marketing needs. In addition to the metrics above, we also consider social conversion rates, sales trends, content metrics, and more.



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